

Welcome to Oak!


Helping at home and homework



The main task for children to do at home is times tables practice.  Year 4 children will need to know all times tables and related division facts up to 12 times 12 ready for the Multiplication Check which all Year 4 children will complete in June.  The purpose of this check is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics.


Your child has also been given a log in and password to Times Tables Rockstars.  Please encourage and remind them to log in and practise regularly on at home to speed up their recall. 


'Hit The Button' is a great online game to practise all times tables.


If you would like sheets to work on instead or as well, please ask.



All children have a fiction book to bring home. Please encourage your child to read for 15 minutes every night either to themselves or whenever possible to an adult, as this really helps improve their reading speed, accuracy, understanding of the text and vocabulary.  Discussing the book with your child is also very important. 


When you have read with your child, please comment and sign in their home school record, this will be checked by an adult in school each week. Each time they complete a book, the children will take a quiz on Accelerated Reader to check their understanding and to ensure they are reading at the correct level. Passing their quizzes will help them to move up the reading ladder. 


We have access to an online library through a site called MyON.  Here the children can choose from hundreds of online books from all genres imaginable...  If you have limited access to books at home, or would like to access a different genre from the book your child has bought home, logon and discover the reading wealth at your fingertips!  As MyON is lined to Accelerated Reader, the children can take quizzes that contribute to their word count once they've finished. 

Here is the link to access MyON and Accelerated reader from home:



The children will bring home 10 spellings each week to be tested the following Friday, usually 8 based on their current spelling rule and 2 from the word list.  We usually work on a rule for 4 weeks (or 2 weeks in the summer term) and will look at this rule in class time but we would be grateful if you could help your child to practice their given spellings at home.


Project Homework

During the year, we will also send out project homework linked to the science, geography or history work we are covering. This is designed to be a more fun project that they can complete in a way they would like, some suggestions will be given but please feel free to come up with your own ideas as well. 



Mondays and Wednesday are our PE sessions.  Children should come ready in black shorts or jogging bottoms, a plain white or House T-shirt, a black jumper (as PE takes place outside) along with appropriate footwear.  

The wearing of earrings is not permitted for PE and they must be removed. 


Celebrating Achievements

Each week on a Friday morning, one child will be nominated for a star of the week award, one child for a 3C award and a child for the Pride in Presentation award. These will also be mentioned on the newsletter.   Merit certificates and prizes will also be awarded during this assembly.


Useful link


Thank you for taking the time to read our news page, I hope you find it useful.  Please do get in touch if you have any queries.


Miss K Bennett  


Please contact the school office should you require a place for your child at Thorpe Acre Juniors. If you would like to purchase a book for school from our Wish List, please visit