Below is an overview of the exciting learning that will take place in Elm Class over this coming year. At pupil conferences you will have the chance to look through your child's work however, keep an eye out in our 'WOW work' section for any outstanding pieces of work!
Autumn Term (August to December)
Class texts: Kensuke's Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo and Freddie and the New Kid by Neill Cameron
Reading: Reading skills work through our class text Kensuke's Kingdom
Writing: Creation of a story based on a film stimulus called 'Paperman', creation of an adventure story based on our class text 'Kensuke's Kingdom' and the creation of an explanation text based around a Christmas theme
Maths - Place value, four operations, fractions, ratio and algebra
History/Geography - Volcanoes and Earthquakes, The Vikings
French - At the tea room and Vikings
PE - Swimming (AUT1), Cricket, Badminton, SAQ
Science - Evolution and Inheritance and Electricity
RE - What matters most to Humanists and Christians? Why do Hindus want to be good?
PSHE - Respectful Relationships, Caring Friendships, Families and people who care for me, Online Relationships and Internet Safety and Harms
Music - Recorder lessons with a specialist teaching, Pulse and the start of Voice
Computing - Variable in Games (Scratch) and Creating Media
Art/DT - 2D to 3D project and Building Buggies (woodwork)
Spring Term (January to April)
Class texts: Wolf Brother by Michelle Paver and The Scribbleboy by Phillip Ridley
Reading: Reading skills work through our class text 'Wolf Brother' by Michelle Paver
Writing: Creation of a biography based on a famous or influential person, creation of poetry based on the poem 'Malfeasance', creation of a ghost story and the creation of a newspaper report based on Goldilocks being locked up!
Maths - Decimals, percentages, perimeter, area, volume, statistics and geometry
History/Geography - South America and The Environment/Climate Change
French - Clothes and What is the weather?
PE - Gymnastics, Dance, Hockey, Football
Science - Animals including humans and Light
RE - Why is the Torah important to Jewish people? Why do Christians believe Jesus was the Messiah?
PSHE - Mental health and wellbeing part 1 and 2, First Aid, Health and Prevention and our Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco unit
Music - Finishing Voice, Rhythm and Pitch
Computing - Spreadsheets and Computer Networks
Art/DT - Clay pots and Activism based art
Summer term (April to July)
Class texts: Who Let the Gods Out by Maz Evans and Hacker by Malorie Blackman
Reading: Reading skills work through our class text 'Who Let the Gods Out' by Maz Evans
Writing: Creation of a story based on the film stimulus 'The Piano' and the creation of a persuasive speech linked to pollution and use of plastic
Maths - Review of the curriculum with application of learning and transitional activities to prepare for secondary school
History/Geography - Ancient Greece
French - At School and The Planets
PE - Athletics, Tag Rugby, OAA, Rounders
Science - Living things and their habitats
RE - For Christians, what type of king was Jesus? How does faith help people when life gets hard?
PSHE - Physical Health and Fitness, Healthy Eating, Changing Adolescent Bodies and Being Safe
Music - Music and Technology
Computing - Microbits and Webpage creating
Art/DT - Brave colours project and cooking