

Welcome to Willow!


Essential information:

  • Please ensure your child has their home/school diary in school every day.
  • Our PE days are currently Tuesdays (outdoor) and Wednesdays (indoor).
  • School updates are usually sent out via Weduc or occasionally, by letter.
  • To help in your child’s learning, please ensure they are logging onto TTRS (Times Tables Rock Stars), Accelerated Reader and Myon on a weekly basis.  We run a competition to see who can read the most words and this is counted via the number of reading quizzes the children pass on Accelerated Reader. All children are given logins to put at the back of their reading record.
  • Every Monday we give out ten spellings that are tested the following Friday, please ensure children are practising these. The spellings are all written in their home/school diary every Monday and they have a handwriting sheet with the words on, to complete at home.
  • Celebrating Achievements: Children collect merits and are awarded certificates for these achievements. Children are also nominated each week for; star of the week and 3C award. Don't forget to check the newsletter where you will see the chosen children! 


Throughout Year 3 we look at the following:

English: Narratives (‘Stone Age Boy’ and ‘The Princess and the Pea’), biographies, persuasive texts, and poetry. These cover a range of Year 3 grammar including metaphor, fronted adverbials, conjunctions, synonyms, word classes, clauses and much more.


Maths: Times tables is a key area. After consolidating the 2, 5 and 10 times tables from Year 2, we start with the 3, 4 and 8 times tables before moving on to the 6, 12 and 11 times tables. The more children practise their tables the better they perform in column multiplication, division and problem solving mathematics. We also cover shape, measurement and different methods of addition and subtraction for numbers within a thousand. Please encourage your child to log into TTRS at least once a week to develop their speed and practise their tables.


Reading: We have a carousel every 2 weeks looking at a range of different narratives where children learn skills such as word meaning, synonyms, making comparisons and developing fluency. Please encourage your child to read as often as possible as home to develop their skills.


Wider Curriculum:

In History we look at the ancient Egyptians and the Stone Age.


In Geography we look at Ancient Civilisations, the countries of the United Kingdom, human features and physical features.


In Science we look at Forces, Animals including Humans, Rocks and Soils, and Plants.


In PE children learn skills in Tennis, Badminton, Dance, Gymnastics and Football.


In French children learn Basic Introductions, Instruments, Colours, Vegetables and Seasons.


In Art/DT children learn sewing, storytelling through drawing, exploring patterns and pop-up pages.


In RE we look at Christianity, Muslim and Judaism.


PSHE covers a range of topics including Support Networks, Well-being, Online Safety, Physical and Mental Health as well as incorporating Anti Bullying week.


In Music we look at Pulse, Voice, Rhythm, Pitch and Technology in Music.


In Computing we will learn about coding (using scratch), Creating animation on ipads, Data branching, Systems and Networks and Desktop Publishing.


Useful links - click on me to learn about a range of topics - click on me to practise your times tables


If you have any questions or need an appointment, please feel free to contact me via the school office.


Thank you for your support.


Mr Clarke

Useful Information

Please contact the school office should you require a place for your child at Thorpe Acre Juniors. If you would like to purchase a book for school from our Wish List, please visit