The school follows the Leicestershire Literacy for All syllabus for RE which promotes understanding between all people. RE is taught with the aim of equipping our pupils with the skills and understanding to live and prosper in a diverse and rapidly changing world. Our syllabus allows all learners to share their experiences and to learn from one another about the religions and beliefs in our community.
The children learn about the major world religions and world views and are encouraged to think about life's big questions. We enjoy close links with different places of worship who often come in to delivery assemblies. We also enjoy celebrating different religious events including Christmas, Easter, Diwali and Eid.
R.E. Overview - 2023/2024
| Autumn 1 | Autumn 2 | Spring 1 | Spring 2 | Summer 1 | Summer 2 |
Y3/4 | Unit L2.2: What is it like for someone to follow God? Unit links: 1.10, L2.1 Concept(s): People of God
| Unit L2.8: What does it mean to be a Hindu in Britain today? Diwali 24th Oct Unit links: L2.7 Concept(s): Dharma | Unit L2.9: How do festivals and worship matter to Muslims? Ramadan 2nd Apr – 1st May Unit links: 1.6, 1.7 Concept(s): Ibadah | Unit L2.3: What is the trinity and why is it important to Christians? Unit links: F4, 1.8, 1.10 Concept(s): God, Incarnation
| Unit L2.6 For Christians, what is the impact of Pentecost? Pentecost 5th Jun Unit links: L2.3, L2.5 Concept(s): Kingdom of God
| Unit L2.11: How and why do people mark the significant events of life? Unit links: 1.10
Y5/6 | Unit U2.2: Creation and science: conflicting or complementary? Unit links: U2.11 Concept(s): Creation
| Unit U2.1: What does it mean if Christians believe God is holy and loving? Concept(s): God
| Unit U2.8: What does it mean to be a Muslim in Britain today? Ramadan 2nd Apr – 1st May Unit links: 1.6, 1.8, L2.9, L2.12, 3.10 Concept(s): Tawhid, Iman, Ibadah
| Unit U2.5: What do Christians believe Jesus did to ‘save’ people? Holy week 10th – 16th Apr Unit links: L2.1, L2.10 Concept(s): Salvation
| Unit U2.4: How do Christians decide how to live – What would Jesus do? Unit links: 1.1, 1.4 Concept(s): Gospel
| Unit U2.11: Why do some people believe in God and some people not? Unit links: U2.2