Recovery Premium Plan
Thorpe Acre Junior School
(Replaced Covid Catch-Up Premium which was withdrawn in Aug 22)
Summary information | |
School | Thorpe Acre Junior School |
Academic Year | 2022-23 |
Overview | ||
Use of Funds | EEF Recommendations |
TAJ School is using this funding to provide an academic mentor and intervention teacher for specific activities to support our pupils to catch up for lost learning during the pandemic, in line with government guidance, EEF (Education Endowment Fund) recommendations and research-based approaches.
This support is primarily to identify and address gaps in knowledge; sharpen skills and to pre-teach in order to provide pupils with confidence to engage in lessons. This may be 1:1; in pairs or as a small group.
We regularly and frequently monitor the impact of this support on outcomes so as to ensure we spend our additional funding in the best, most effective way for our pupils and circumstances.
| The EEF advises the following:
Teaching and whole school strategies
Targeted approaches
Wider strategies
Identified impact of lockdown | |
Maths |
Specific content was missed and has led to gaps in learning for some pupils as a result of and stalled sequencing of journeys. On returning to school post-pandemic, pupils still appeared to enjoy maths and lockdown had not significantly negatively affected their attitudes however they were quite simply, ‘behind’. Recall of basic skills had suffered – pupils were not able to recall addition facts, number bonds, times tables and had forgotten once taught calculation strategies. This was reflected in arithmetic assessments.
Writing |
Pupils hadn’t necessarily missed ‘units’ of learning in the same way as Maths, however they had lost essential practising of writing skills. Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling specific knowledge suffered, leading to a lack of fluency in writing. Even those who had maintained writing throughout lockdown appeared to have been affected, however those who evidently didn’t write much were having to work additionally hard on writing stamina and improving their motivation due to the lack of fluency in their ability to write.
Reading |
Pupils had access to a wealth of reading material during lockdown. This was something that was more accessible for families and required less teacher input. However, on returning to school, pupils were less fluent in their reading and the gap between those pupils that read widely and for pleasure and those pupils who did not, was increasingly wide. The bottom 20% of readers had been disproportionately disadvantaged.
Non-core |
On returning to school following the pandemic, there were significant gaps in pupils’ knowledge – whole units of work had not been taught meaning that pupils were less able to access pre-requisite knowledge when learning something new and they were less likely to make connections between concepts and themes throughout the curriculum. Pupils had also missed out on curriculum enrichment experiences e.g. trips, visitors etc.
Planned expenditure - The headings below are grouped into the categories outlined in the Education Endowment Foundation’s coronavirus support guide for schools) | ||||
i. Teaching and whole-school strategies | ||||
Desired outcome | Chosen approach | Impact (once reviewed) | Staff lead | Review date |
Supporting great teaching:
The foundation subjects will be planned with increasing detail and consideration for how pre-requisite knowledge will be taught alongside new learning, so that knowledge gaps can be reduced.
| Curriculum leader release time PPA
| Gaps in pupils’ knowledge will be accurately identified. Plans to plug these will be delivered. Gaps will be plugged. Pupils will have caught up on lost learning.
| Foundation curriculum leaders Monitored by SLT
Feb ‘23
Teaching assessment and feedback
Teachers have a very clear understanding of what gaps in learning remain and use this to inform assessments of learning that are aligned with standardised norms, giving a greater degree in confidence and accuracy of assessments.
| Implement assessments (see assessment policy) and record on Insight to identify gaps and to track performance.
| Gaps in pupils’ knowledge will be accurately identified. Plans to plug these will be delivered. Gaps will be plugged. Pupils will have caught up on lost learning.
| CTs Monitored by SLT
July '23 |
Transition support
Pupils who are joining school from different settings or who are beginning in the new Communication and Interaction Resource Base have an opportunity to become familiar and confident with the setting before they arrive.
| Visits to school are encouraged Transition pack provided to new pupils and families explaining expectations A welcome video of Thorpe Acre Junior School has been uploaded to the school website. New intakes are paired with a peer buddy Baseline assessments on arrival Survey new intakes and their families
| New intakes will feel well supported No learning time is lost | CTs Monitored by SLT
| July ‘23
ii. Targeted approaches | ||||
Desired outcome | Chosen action/approach | Impact (once reviewed) | Staff lead | Review date? |
1-to-1 and small group tuition
Identified pupils will have significantly increased rates of reading fluency. They will be able to comprehend reading better as a result of being able to read at pace without spending their working memory decoding and will have developed their skills of inference. They will be confident readers and dips in reading attainment will be negated. | English curriculum lead will deliver CPD and support staff to deliver quality first teaching of reading Reading audit to be completed –using Reading Framework Book corners to be developed Continue to subscribe to Leics Library Service –accessing CPD package Make use of recently purchased sets of group readers Make use of recently purchased books for the library Disadvantaged and SEND pupils to select books to purchase for the library.
| Pupils will further develop skills of inference Attainment will be raised Progress will be accelerated LTP will be relevant, accurate and aligned to key learning objectives
| ECL Monitored by SLT |
Mar '23
1-to-1 and small group tuition
Identified pupils will have support in reinforcing their understanding of basic maths skills and application of number. Pupils will be able to solve mathematical problems better as a result of being able to quickly recall known number facts. They will be confident in solving mathematical calculations and dips in mats attainment will be negated.
| Maths curriculum lead continues to support teachers in developing Maths Mastery Y3 lead teacher will continue to complete Maths Mastery training to provide school to school support Maths curriculum lead and Y3 lead teacher disseminate training to staff Powermaths is implemented across the school.
| Pupils will further develop skills in maths mastery Attainment will be raised Progress will be accelerated.
| MCL Monitored by SLT |
July '23 |
iii. Wider Strategies | ||||
Desired outcome | Chosen action/approach | Impact (once reviewed) | Staff lead | Review date? |
Supporting parents and carers
Pupils will have greater opportunities to access learning at home. Homework opportunities will reinforce recent learning; prepare for future learning and provide pupils greater independence. Teachers facilitate effective homework with increased capacity to share resources and communicate learning to pupils.
| Continue to use on line learning as a method to deliver homework | Parents feel able to support with homework Homework supports class learning Pupils have the necessary resources Pupils keep up with the curriculum | DHT
April '23
Access to technology
Pupils can access additional devices so that they can rotate through discrete teaching, reading fluency and independent online activities.
| Monitor use of additional laptops CCL delivers training on blended learning.
| Use of technology is embedded in learning Teachers are confident to select the appropriate resource | CCL SLT
June '23
CT = Class Teachers
ECL = English Curriculum Lead
MCL = Maths Curriculum Lead
SLT = Senior Leadership Team