
Remote Learning



If you are concerned about your child's mental well-being, especially during this lockdown period, please see under the 'School Nurse' tab for Healthy Together information and contact details for Chat Health, their text service. 


The Oak National Academy is a free, online curriculum hub which was launched on 20th April 2020.  There are around 180 filmed lessons from experts across different subjects, covering from early years up to Year 10.  The videos are recorded so parents are able to watch the hour-long lessons whenever they choose.  You will find them at


Apart from BBC Bitesize, as of 11th January 2021, the BBC are now also showing primary school aged lessons on CBBC daily.   

Useful links for parents to keep their children safe online


School is not responsible for the content of external websites.  Please supervise your children.

New Online Resources

You can also join Joe Wicks  on his YouTube Channel for PE lessons.  These will be streamed live at 9:00am three times a week.  They are fun, interactive and easy to follow!

We wish all our pupils, parents and staff, a very happy summer holiday. See you all again on 29th August 2024. Please contact the school office should you require a place for your child at Thorpe Acre Juniors. If you would like to purchase a book for school from our Wish List, please visit