
Week beginning 19/04/2021

Everyday, make sure that you read your school reading, either your fiction or non-fiction, book for at least 15 minutes, and get a parent to sign that you have read with them. Or, if you have read on your own, then neatly sign your reading record yourself. Whilst reading it, think about how the characters are behaving and why, or why the author has set out the writing and pictures in a particular way. I would love to see everyone getting 100% on their reading quizzes.

Spellings for this week :)

Maths - This week, you are going to be mentally adding numbers that are near to multiples of 10. Here are some hints and tips to help :)

We wish all our pupils, parents and staff, a very happy summer holiday. See you all again on 29th August 2024. Please contact the school office should you require a place for your child at Thorpe Acre Juniors. If you would like to purchase a book for school from our Wish List, please visit