
Exciting News!

Following a meeting of the Council’s cabinet on Friday, the governors and I are delighted to inform you that the Local Authority has agreed to issue Thorpe Acre Junior School with a statutory notice to develop a new SEND (Special Educational Needs/Disabilities) unit for children with communication and interaction needs, namely autism. This unit is one of only three units to be added at primary level across the county, and the only one in Loughborough. There was strong competition for this prestigious development and we are delighted to have been successful and to be part of this exciting project.


For further information, please read the letter 'SEND Provision - April 2019'.

We wish all our pupils, parents and staff, a very happy summer holiday. See you all again on 29th August 2024. Please contact the school office should you require a place for your child at Thorpe Acre Juniors. If you would like to purchase a book for school from our Wish List, please visit